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The exhibition "Nature Heart Source: Li Keran's Calligraphy and Calligraphy Collection" opened in Hong Kong today

Today, China Arts and Technology (Hong Kong) is holding a painting and calligraphy exhibition titled "The Heart of Nature: Li Keran's Calligraphy and Calligraphy Collection" at G Art Art Space, Lippo Central Office in Admiralty。This exhibition will be honored to present eight paintings by Li Keran (1907-1989),It includes the three major themes of calligraphy, including the myriad landscapes, the interesting characters and the solemn ease,It Outlines Li Keran's decades of painstaking exploration of Chinese art,How did the great masters of the 20th century art circle write a biography for the motherland under the wave of the new era。

The exhibition

The exhibition

The exhibition


Nature heart source: Li Keran calligraphy collection


May 20 - June 6

Monday to Friday | 9:30 am to 6:00 PM


China Art and (Hong Kong) art space G Art

5 / F, One Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Hong Kong


+852 2815 2269 (Customer Service)


The exhibition

Li Keran (1907-1989)

People in the lush trees


Identification: people in the lush trees。In 1988, the second hundred days Chang summer, can be dyed。

Seal: Li, can dye, send love, prolong life, Chen Yan go


1.Hanmo · No. 4, p. 51, Hanmo Xuan Publishing Co., LTD

2.Artist Bimonthly (No. 73), back cover

3."Eight landscape Paintings Exhibition" exhibition album, this painting is published in the album, collection of ancient Zhai

Exhibition: "Eight Landscape Paintings", organized by Jikoo House, Hall C1, Hong Kong Exhibition Centre, China Resources Building, 26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, 9-12 May 1990

尺寸:92 × 56.5cm


Nature heart source: Li Keran calligraphy collection

  "The descendants of Chinese painting are higher than the ancient ones in the Qianjia period, and there is not much backward。With the light between only Zhao 㧑 uncle, and then only Wu Fou Lu。About twenty years after the Fou Lu, painting hands like scales, followed by the Fou Lu has Li Keran。Now see can dye a lot of paintings, because of many things, talker, after 500 years will be the final conclusion。”

  -- Qi Baishi

  The social situation in the early 20th century had an incomparable impact on traditional national painting。Li Keran, as the representative of "Chinese painting innovation", is on the artistic journey from tradition to modernization,On the road of returning from writing mind to realism,Like the cows he writes about,In more than half a century of exploration,With a clear spirit of The Times and artistic personality,Create the "Li Jia landscape",The ancient Chinese painting has gained new life。


The exhibition

Li Keran (1907-1989)

Landscape of Guilin

In the 1960s, it was made in 1988

Seal: can be dyed, the soul of the essential

Identification: Dyeable

Self-inscribed poetry Hall: Guilin landscape a world, like a dream like fantasy is not the world。Mr. Simin is a gentleman。The winter month of the Year Wuchen (1988) can dye the title and make the landscape。  Seal: Li, Can dye, Tianhai Tower


1.Hanmo. No.26, pp. 132-133, Hanmo Xuan Publishing Co., LTD。

2.Li Keran's World, pp. 270-271, Xi Zhitang Culture Publishing Co., LTD.,


1. "Li Keran's Century Art Exhibition", National Museum of History, Taipei, November 3 - December 5, 2000。

2. "Li Keran's Century Art Exhibition", Kaohsiung City Art Museum, December 15, 2000 - March 18, 2001。

Source: Sotheby's Hong Kong, 2007 Spring Sale, Lot 917。

Dimensions: (drawing)50 × 57 cm;(Poetry Hall)22 × 57 cm


  According to the analysis of Professor Wan Qingli, Mr. Keran's artistic methods and skills include two aspects: the first is to inherit the Chinese tradition;The second is the extensive integration of Western realistic techniques。In Li Keran's view, "tradition" is worth learning and respecting。Since he was a child, he has orthodox landscape, attacked the four monks, and revered Zhao Zhiqian, Wu Changshuo, and paid homage to Qi Baishi, Huang Binhong, Lin Fengmian, etc., with the greatest ability to break into the tradition。

  Mr. Keran once said: "For us, tradition is the relationship of blood and inheritance, and foreign is the relationship of nutrition, and the two must not be inverted.。Historically, we have been absorbing foreign cultures, but all of them have been digested and transformed into Chinese culture...If we abandon our own traditions and take root in foreign countries, or try to transform Chinese culture with Western culture, it will be harmful not only to the development of Chinese culture, but also to the development of world culture."。

  On the other hand, he focused on sketching, with the help of a variety of Western painting techniques of expression, modeling and composition of various skills, it is harmoniously mixed with traditional national painting, reform and exploration。


The exhibition

Li Keran (1907-1989)

Green mountains and green rivers are good for Jiangnan


Identification: Green mountains and green water good Jiangnan, happy to see more than rain mountain。In 1987, the year Ding MAO Yang spring March, can be dyed in the division of cattle hall。

Seal: Li, can be dyed, in subtle, Chen Yan go


1.Li Keran's Chinese Paintings, p. 81. Daye Company

2.Hanmo · No.26, p. 17, Hanmo Xuan Publishing Co., LTD

3."Twentieth-century Chinese Painter Research Series - Li Keran", p. 188, Tianjin Yangliuqing Painting Society

4.Li Keran's Paintings, p. 152. Foreign Languages Press

Size: 80 × 51 cm


  The magnificent landscape

  Since 1954, Mr. Can Dye has ten times to visit the motherland, visit the natural scenery, on the way to sketch, engraved "precious courage", "the soul of the soul" two seal self-encouragement, to nature as a teacher, carried out a vigorous sketch trip。After the sketching period in the 1950s, he entered the creation period in the early 1960s, and practiced the belief of "going to life and writing a biography for the motherland", and eventually formed a new pattern of "Li Jia landscape" with "black", "full", "rise" and "astringent"。On the basis of the rich landscape materials of nature and life, Mr. Keran deeply breves and simplifies, until "the chest is full of everything, nature is in hand", completing the transformation from sketching to creation。


The exhibition

Li Keran (1907-1989)

Yuyu Mountain


Identity: rain more than the mountain。At the end of the year of 1984, it can be dyed by the ink accumulation method in the Shiniu Hall。

Seal: can be dyed, in subtle, traditional today, picturesque rivers and mountains


1.Hanmo · 4th Issue, p. 95, Hanmo Xuan Publishing Co., LTD

2.The Essential Soul - Li Keran's Art World, p. 53. Macroculture Co., LTD

Exhibition: "A Hundred Contemporary Landscape Paintings", organized by Jiku Zhai, 2 / F, Hong Kong Diamond Club Building, 8-10 Dudgery Street, Central, Hong Kong, 26 July - 3 August 1991

尺寸:68 × 45.5 cm


  According to the analysis of Professor Wan Qingli, in the composition of landscape painting, Li Keran uses a full-frame composition, with no room left and right on all four sides, which is in sharp contrast to the traditional landscape in which the sky, the ground and the river are represented by white space。At first glance, the mountains and rivers are like door panels standing in front of the eyes, but the mountains in the near, middle and distant views are deep, deep and high, leading to boundless space, producing an exaggerated and immersive artistic atmosphere。

  In addition, Wan Qingli also mentioned that Li Keran's landscape shows the perfect combination of Western drawing methods and Chinese painting ink. In his mature works in his later years, he has both the black and translucent artistic modeling effect of Rembrandt's oil painting, and Wu Changshuo's stone school, which can make the picture both unified and full of details。


The exhibition

Li Keran (1907-1989)

Lotus pond dissipating summer picture


Title: Lotus pond summer picture。Heavy green trees covered the grass hall, Xiang curtain Qi uncovered lotus wind cool。In June, there was no land to escape the heat, and Ann had to move above his home。1985, the year of the second Major Heat, can dye sweat write。

Seal: can dye, Tianhai tower, Chenyan go


1.Hanmo · No.7, p. 115, Hanmo Xuan Publishing Co., LTD

2. "Master Hanmo · 25", p. 55, Hanmo Xuan Publishing Co., LTD

3. Li Keran Talks about Art, page 39. The artist is creating this painting in the picture, published by Chongya International Cultural Enterprise Co., LTD

4.The Soul of the Essential - Li Keran's Art World, page 206, the artist is creating this painting in the picture, Macro Cultural Enterprise Co., LTD

Size: 88 × 50 cm


  A curious character

  Although Mr. Li Keran's life mainly focuses on landscape painting, his figure paintings are not many, but since the 1950s, under the cover of the brilliant achievements of Li's landscape, his figure paintings have also had an immeasurable impact on the contemporary painting world。As early as the 1940s, the outstanding writer Lao She gave the highest evaluation in the article "Looking at Painting",Brother Keran's work is probably the greatest one in China ", "he will use the unique simple lines of Chinese painting beauty...It is very clever to transfer the expression of characters in western cartoons to Chinese paintings,So all his characters come to life...Their hearts and souls,It's all coming out of their faces,Pathetic or ridiculous,Live on paper,Live forever."。


The exhibition

Li Keran (1907-1989)

Bubag monk



(1) Cloth bag and map。You can do it, you can do it。It's so easy to put down the bag。Can be dyed play ink。

(2) According to legend, Bubag monk was a monk in the five Dynasties。Often stick to pick a bag, see things that beg, put the bag inside。Laughing and laughing, the words were uncertain, the shape was crazy, and later generations called him the incarnation of Maitreya。The statue of Maitreya Buddha at the gate of the Buddhist Temple。For thousands of years, the people have become the artistic image of traditional description。In 1985, students with white hair can dye this picture in Beidaihe, wishing everyone in the world happy。

Seal: Extension of life, Li, can be dyed, white hair students, can be dyed


1.Hanmo. No.25, p. 69. Hanmo Xuan Publishing Co., LTD。

2.Wen Wei Po, May 11, 1990, ninth edition。

Size: 88 × 52 cm


  This exhibition is dedicated to his excellence in his later years。In the vigorous and abundant Li Gong under the brush of the cloth bag monk, simple shape, lift the sky long smile, a naive open-minded gas。Although the style of ink and brush is simplified, the more powerful the ink and wash is, the condensed black and thick landscape of Li School can be faintly seen in his old age。On the picture, there are more than one hundred words old and arbitrary long title, the font knot is rich to see the tension, and the ink is full, there is the meaning of Seal script。The figure painting of traditional classical themes in the pen of Mr. Keran, with the literati's leisure to express the sentiment of life to put down the shackles of the world, both science and interest, unique and innovative。


  Solemn and elegant calligraphy

  In his later years, Mr. Keran's calligraphic works created a highly personal style, with interwoven grass, seemingly casual, but as strong and profound as his paintings, with extremely rigorous rules。The pen is square and round, the ink is subtly changed, and the font is broad and magnificent but smart and vivid, giving people unprecedented strength and vividness。


The exhibition

Li Keran (1907-1989)

Write in a series of seven words


I am not good at writing couplets, I like this couplet, because I am also one of them。In 1985, a white-haired student named Li Ke dyed books in the Shiniu Hall。

Explanation: Book into banana leaf text still green, sing to plum blossom sentence also fragrant。

Seal: Li, can be dyed, prolong life, I serve the ox, Li under the crown

Published: "Famous Writers. No. 4", page 131, Hanmo Xuan Publishing Co., LTD。

Size: 138 × 34 cm × 2


  Mr. Li Song once summed up Mr. Li Keran's calligraphy saying, "From Deng Shilu to Kang Youwei, from Qi Baishi to Li Keran, the consistency of their aesthetic concept of calligraphy art also reflects the modern aesthetic concept, and also reflects a main flow of the change of aesthetic concept in the modern era.。The modern flower and bird painting of a high altitude, the contemporary landscape painting of the sudden achievements, it is related to this ", and also mentioned that "Li Keran's calligraphy art eventually formed a unique style, and far-reaching influence mainly in the 1980s".。

  Mr. Keran's calligraphy works are from the heyday of the 1980s, his pen mostly made small banners, the exhibition of couplets and the middle hall were made in 1985 and 1987, respectively, for the old age of few large calligraphy works, especially considerable。


The exhibition

Li Keran (1907-1989)

The book "Opera stage" poem

Ding MAO (1987)

Title: Song Wen Tianxiang drama stage poems。Year Ding MAO midsummer, Li can dye books。

Explanation: The beginning of September 9, visitors to the stage。Yellow flowers make the morning dew, the ancients fly。Today people mourn posterity, posterity to mourn today。Things that can be reached, tears fall dogwood cup。

Seal: Pengcheng Li, can dye seal letter, Shiniu Hall

Published: "The East is White - Li Keran", p. 202, Xinhua Art Center

Exhibition: "The East is White - Li Keran", Xinhua Art Centre, Singapore, 23-27 April 1997

Source: Sotheby's 2007 Autumn Sale, Hong Kong, Lot 291

尺寸:110 × 59.5 cm


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